So here I am, its December 31st, and I haven't posted to my blog in a while. Because ideas for topics are ephemeral and depart from my mind before my hands reach a keyboard, mobile phone, or even a good old fashioned pen, I have neglected this website that earns me millions of Zimbabwe dollars yearly in revenue.
And I'm looking around and I notice kellogs coupons to receive $5 in free gas should you postmark it before the 31st. Oops too late. Note that the cost of a stamp makes the reward meaningless. Might be why I never bothered. Kellogs could have made use of an ingenious invention I call the internets.. But that assumes they wanted you to redeem the prize. Newsflash: they don't. Like the mail in rebates you see attached to various purchases, even if you do mail it out, you have a 50/50 chance of getting your measly reward. Because if people don't receive it, they'll be less likely to bother next time. The dealer always wins.
Anyways, back to kellogs. When I was a child they had some sort of mail in thing for NHL team mini pennants. I wanted them, so I got some cash and some change and threw it in the envelope, little me not knowing anything about cheques or money orders. I never did receive my NHL mini pennants. Did some mailman abscond with my meagre $5 and change or whatever it cost back then? Or did kellogs say f this kid let's keep the money. I'll never know.. But to this day i will refuse to deal with mail in rebates. I will walk the other way. I will use a different website. The price including the rebate is a fiction.
But all the same, here's to another year of ignoring rebates and coupon expiration dates! Happy new year!